Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

24 25 Hawthorn Wb 03 February

Hawthorn children have worked hard in all areas of the curriculum this week.  

In English, we've turned our attention to learning about blue whales which regularly frequent the waters around Antarctica. The children went on to write their own questions and answers in the style of our book, 'Could a penguin ride a bike?' They had some fantastic ideas such as, "Could a Whale surf? No, they are too big for the board. Blue whales are up to 30 metres long."  We paced out the size of a blue whale in the playground, they are huge!

In maths, the Year 1s have finished their work on addition and subtraction to 20 - finding the difference, exploring related facts and missing numbers. Year 2s have continued their focus on multiplication. They now know how to use the multiplication symbol, write multiplication sentences and use arrays. 

We finished our unit in Computing by considering 'The Digital 5 a Day' - Connecting, Being Active, Getting Creative, Giving to Others and Being Mindful. Meanwhile in Topic, we've turned our attention to Antarctic animals and found out how they've adapted to living in such a harsh environment. We also had a go at navigating the continents and oceans using Bee-Bots!

In Science we continued with our work on habitats and the children looked at how different animals were adapted to live in challenging habitats around the world.

Finally, in assembly this week, the children were learning a new school rules song.  Ask them if they can sing some of it for you!