At Ashton First School we encourage full attendance and punctuality on the part of all pupils and their parents.
Parents should note their responsibilities in informing school of any planned or unplanned absence following the procedures outlined in the Attendance Policy.
All absences should be reported to the school office no later than 9:00am on the first day of absence.
Catering and Milk
We are a “Healthy School” and encourage our pupils to think about the benefits of a balanced and healthy diet. Children are allowed to bring a snack and a drink for morning break and we ask that parents provide healthy snacks – fruit, bread sticks, cereal bars. We do ask that foods containing nuts are not sent into school due to Nut Allergies of children and/or staff. Children in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) receive free fruit from school.
Milk and drinking water
Children under 5 receive milk free. Each half term parents are able to order and pay for a daily 1/3 pint of milk for their child to have at break time. Milk is supplied by Coolmilk, follow this link for more information and to order direct.
Children are also encouraged to bring a re-useable drinks bottle of water to school. It has been proven that if children have regular access to water during the day, they are more able to concentrate. These bottles are kept in the classroom and can be replenished in school from a central water dispenser.
School Lunches
At lunchtime all of the children eat together in the hall, with the older pupils helping the youngest. All Key Stage 1 children are provided with a meal free of charge and we encourage parents to take up the option of a hot lunch provided by our catering company.
Please enquire at the office if you think your child is eligible for free school meals whichever Key Stage they are in as this entitles you to additional funding known as Pupil Premium. Further information is available here.
Lunches are provided by Miquill Catering and ordered directly through their own ordering system. The school office will provide registration information to families direct. Click here for a typical Miquill menu.
Click here for ParentPay or Select (meal booking system)
Link to apply for Free School Meals
Keeping in touch with Parents
We keep in touch with parents through daily contact when children are dropped off or collected from the school playground. If more detailed contact between staff and parents is needed, parents can contact the school office whereby appointments can be made.
In addition each class have their own email address for general communications:
If you are emailing school with a message for urgent attention, please email the school office direct: or telephone 01386 881333.
Sending messages to parents via email and text
At Ashton First School we use a Parent App, MyChildAtSchool and the majority of information is sent via this method of communication. Please ensure we have up to date contact information in school should we need to contact you.
Term Dates
Ordering Ashton First School logo uniform
Uniform is available to order from the following supplier :
If you wish to visit the shop please note an appointment system may be operating. Please click this link for further information :
Jewellery and naming of uniform:
Jewellery should not be worn at any time in school, as it is a health and safety risk. Small stud earrings are permitted, but we ask that pupils are able to remove these themselves for PE lessons. Staff are not permitted to remove earrings and nor can staff be responsible for items of jewellery. Long hair should be tied back at all times.
We ask parents to name all items of clothing. Children inevitably discard clothing as they go through the day and, naming items makes it much easier to return these discarded items to their rightful owners!
School Opening Hours
The school gates open at 8:20am - the school day starts at 8:30am.
The school day ends at 3:00pm. After-school clubs run from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.
Pre-School is open 8:45am to 2:45pm
Wrap around care available from 7:50am to 6pm
Wrap around Care
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is available to all children from 7:50am, Monday to Friday. A light breakfast is available. Please contact the school via email: for more information on prices and how to book.
After School Club - Little Big Learners
Little Big Learners provide an after school and holiday club for Ashton First School children. The children are escorted to the club which is run from the Green Room, adjacent to school, at the end of the school day.
Click here for more information.
Pre-school children finish at 2:45pm, parents have the option to pay for an extra 15 mins per day if Little Big Learners is booked from 3pm.
After-school run clubs
After-school clubs are run 3pm-4pm Monday to Thursday on a half-termly or termly basis. There is a charge to cover resources and staff time. Parents are sent details to an online form that provides details prior to the club starting.