2425 Holly Class Week beginning 20th January
We have had a super week of learning in Holly Class!
In Drawing club our focus has turned to penguins this week. We have read a lovely book called 'Could a Penguin Ride a Bike?' which has made us laugh a lot and taught us lots of interesting facts about penguins. Ask your children and see what they can remember! The children have been using these facts in their writing; the Reception children have been writing 'It is...' sentences to go alongside their drawings whilst the Year 1 children have continues to work on using question marks as well as learning how to use the conjunction 'but' in their writing.
In maths the Reception children have had a focus on the numbers 6, 7 and 8. They have played lots of different games to find and represent these numbers as well as finding 1 more and 1 less. The year 1 children have been focussing on using a number line to 20 in their maths work. They have had lots of opportunity to use and explore the number line as well as learning how we can use it to estimate.
As part of our Geography and Understanding the World learning, we have continued to explore the world map. The children are all getting really good at remembering the names of some of the continents and they have particularly enjoyed using the giant world map and finding out about where some of our toy animals might live. This week we have also learnt a bit more about where we live, and the Year 1 children have been working on finding the UK on a map and starting to compare some of the geographical features of the UK with those of Antarctica.
All of the children continue to work really hard in their phonics lessons learning new phonemes and graphemes to use in their reading and writing. This week we sent a letter home with a login for Bug Club, this will allow the children to read books linked to their phonics work as well as play some games. Do let us know how you are getting on with this.