Holly Class - two special performances!
What a special week we have had to end the half term! We have been so lucky this week and have been to two very special performances in our school hall. On Monday we took part in and enjoyed the whole school dance festival. We loved seeing the dance performances that the other classes had prepared and we showed everyone our amazing country dancing that we had been learning in PE this half term. The children were wonderful and made us very proud! | ![]() |
The second very special performance this week was the Year 5 play which we were invited to see on Tuesday afternoon. It was amazing to see the older children singing, dancing and performing their fabulous pantomime and the Reception children enjoyed spotting their buddies. We thought they were wonderful and enjoyed clapping and cheering for them!
This week we have also spent time finishing our oceans and islands topic work by looking at aerial photographs of the continents. We all enjoyed exploring them and placing them onto out giant floor map and the Year 1 children used some of the geographical terminology they have learnt to describe what they could see, as well trying to remember the names of all of he continents.
In our maths lessons this week the Reception children have been learning all about number lines and exploring how these can be used through games, they now know where they are in our classroom and know they can get them to use any time they need. Year 1 children have been consolidating their addition and subtraction work by creating fact families and showing their number sentences in part part whole models and bar models. We have had lots of superb problem solving!
In our literacy lessons we have finished our poetry work. We have all been poets and everyone has written their own nature poem based on what we saw at the meadow last week. These are so wonderful and we enjoyed sharing them with each other. Finally, we became performers and learnt to recite and act out a poem called 'I went' as a group. We enjoyed being moose and reindeer and big green frogs!
We finished the week with a very windy day and so took our forest school indoors! We had a lovely treat of popcorn made on the stove and a cosy film. Have a lovely half term everyone!
Mrs Holdsworth